Black Lives Matter's National Call to Action: Trans Liberation Tuesday - Los Angeles Action: L.A. LIVE 4 Black Trans* LIVES

 L.A. LIVE 4 Black Trans* LIVES   

 L.A. Black trans* community organizers, in solidarity with Black Lives Matter​ National Team’s ‘Trans Liberation Tuesday’ emergency call to action, invite you to this local rally and action entitled 'L.A. LIVE 4 Black Trans* LIVES' which is in response to the escalating murders of Black trans* women in the U.S..

Time/Locations: Tuesday, August 25th. 6-8pm. 6:00pm: Convene at corner of Pico/Figueroa - 6:30pm: Sharing/testimonials – 7:00pm: RALLY at the entrance of L.A. LIVE highlighting Black trans* women and Black trans* femme speakers. Followed by a march and an action

In collaboration with Black Trans* Women's Lives Matter, Black Lives Matter: Los Angeles, Familia: TQLM, Gender Justice LA, LAQR and local transgender, transsexual and gender non-conforming community members/advocates, and supported by LGBQ and non-trans straight allies, this demonstration centers on the plight of Black trans* women’s lives who face the brunt of oppression and hostility while living on the intersections of violence.

 Chella Coleman is a Gender Justice L.A. organizer and the only Black trans woman on the bus during Black Lives Matter: Los Angeles’s Freedom Ride to the Movement for Black Lives convening in Cleveland, Ohio. She shares why she helped to co-organize this action, “The erasure of trans folks of color has always been tied to white supremacy. Now it’s time to come together to confront this violence in all its forms.”

 Edxie Betts, a trans femme of color and local rally co-organizer, notes the historical origins of anti-transfeminine violence, "For centuries we have attempted to reclaim our glory, dignity and power. And for centuries white domination's colonization has declared us savage, devils, uncivilized because we are simply "not them". This othering has been institutionalized and as pervasive as that indoctrination was, we are still here!”

How can a young woman’s natural birth challenge provoke such male brutality, state violence, transphobia and misogyny - from within and outside the Black community?” asks Ashley Love, a journalist, rally co-organizer and Black Trans* Women’s Lives Matter coordinator. “Hope rose for many after BLM’s #TransLiberationTuesday national Call-to-Unite-as-Black-Family-in-Solidarity encouraged non-trans Black men to condemn domestic violence and hate crimes against trans* women, thus uplifting their sister’s humanity. These terrifying attacks on ALL Black women may feel daunting, but our consoling Faith reassures us that our resilient sisterhood’s willpower to inspire peace and cultural compassion will no doubt surpass our oppressors’ reach.”

Today’s action highlights the internal and external struggles that Black trans* women (and Black trans femmes) experience by commemorating the lives of Black trans* women we've tragically lost in 2015 due to cisgender male violence. We'll also decry all the many forms of violence our Black trans* sisters simultaneously endure such as state violence, transmisogynoir, systematic misgendering, lack of basic human rights, institutionalized exclusion, sexual assault, domestic violence, the prison industrial complex, denial of life-saving transition-related healthcare and structural anti-Blackness.


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